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Thirdly, China will press ahead with reform and opening up. This year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. Since the beginning of this year, we have introduced a host of major steps to deepen reform, expand opening up and advance innovation. Going forward, China will work even harder to advance reform and opening up, restructure and stimulate innovation. China will further widen market access and continue to lower its overall tariff level so as to create a market environment in which companies of all ownerships, be they Chinese or foreign-owned, are treated as equals and compete on a level playing field. China will introduce a more rigorous system for intellectual property rights protection to make infringers pay unaffordable price. The representatives all expressed their willingness to continue to take an active part in China‘s reform and opening up and share the opportunities presented by China’s reform and development in a bid to achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes with China.


责任编辑:鲍一凡国企混改试点扩容超百家 改革提速亟待配套制度时代周报记者 陈泽秀 发自北京“近期,国家发改委、国资委拟启动开展第四批混改试点工作。”4月18日,国家发改委政策研究室主任兼新闻发言人袁达在新闻发布会上表示。此前一天,国资委秘书长、新闻发言人彭华岗曾表示,第四批混改试点名单已经初步确定,正在履行有关程序。
